Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) can be grown on almost whatsoever moderately well-drained soil type. A good supply of organic matter can increase yield and reduce production problems. Tomatoes and related vegetables, such as potatoes, peppers, and eggplants, should non be planted on the same state more than once in iii years. Ideally, any comprehend ingather or crop preceding tomatoes should be members of the grass family. Corn, an excellent rotation crop with tomatoes, supplies large amounts of organic thing and does not promote the growth of illness organisms that set on tomatoes. Certified seeds and plants are recommended and should be used whenever possible.

Bacterial Wilt

Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) causing a rapid wilting of tomato plants. Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) causing a rapid wilting of love apple plants.
Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Bacterial wilt or Southern bacterial bane is a serious disease caused past Ralstonia solanacearum (formerly Pseudomonas solanacearum). This bacterium survives in the soil for extended periods and enters the roots through wounds made past transplanting, tillage, insect feeding damage, and natural wounds where secondary roots emerge.

Disease evolution is favored by high temperatures and loftier wet. The bacteria multiply rapidly inside the h2o-conducting tissue of the plant, filling information technology with slime. This results in rapid wilt of the plant while the leaves stay green. If an infected stem is cut crosswise, it will look brown and tiny drops of yellowish ooze may be visible.

Prevention & Treatment: Control of bacterial wilt of plants grown in infested soil is hard. Rotation with not-susceptible plants, such as corn, beans, and cabbage, for at least iii years provides some control. Do not use pepper, eggplant, tater, sunflower, or cosmos in this rotation. Remove and destroy all infected constitute textile. Plant just certified disease-complimentary plants. The cultivar Kewalo is partially resistant to bacterial wilt but is an uncommon cultivar. Chemical control is not available for this disease.

Consider growing all susceptible solanaceous plants (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and Irish potatoes) in a separate newly prepared garden site, completely dissever from the original garden. Be sure to thoroughly hose off all soil from tiller tines and tools used in the original infested site before use in the new garden site.

Recently, several bacterial wilt resistant rootstocks for grafted tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants accept been tested and found to have a high level of resistance. Grafted plants may be available.

Early on Blight

Early blight (Alternaria linariae) on tomato foliage. Joey Williamson, ©2012 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Early blight (Alternaria linariae) on tomato foliage.
Joey Williamson, ©2012 HGIC, Clemson Extension

This affliction is acquired by the fungi Alternaria linariae (formally known as A. solani) and is showtime observed on the plants as pocket-size, brownish lesions mostly on the older foliage. Spots overstate and concentric rings in a balderdash'due south-middle pattern may be seen in the eye of the diseased area. The tissue surrounding the spots may turn yellowish. If loftier temperature and humidity occur at this time, much of the leafage is killed. Lesions on the stems are similar to those on leaves and sometimes girdle the plant if they occur almost the soil line (collar rot). On the fruits, lesions achieve considerable size, usually involving near the entire fruit. Concentric rings are also present on the fruit. Infected fruit frequently drops.

The fungus survives on infected droppings in the soil, on seed, on volunteer love apple plants, and other solanaceous hosts, such as Irish potato, eggplant, and black nightshade (a mutual, related weed).

Prevention & Handling: Use resistant or tolerant tomato cultivars. Use pathogen-free seed and exercise not set diseased plants in the field. Use crop rotation, eradicate weeds and volunteer tomato plant plants, infinite plants to not touch, mulch plants, fertilize properly, don't wet tomato plant foliage with irrigation water, and go on the plants growing vigorously. Trim off and dispose of infected lower branches and leaves.

To reduce disease severity, test the garden soil annually and maintain a sufficient level of potassium. Lime the soil according to soil test results. Side dress tomato plants monthly with calcium nitrate for acceptable growth.

If the illness is severe plenty to warrant chemical control, select one of the following fungicides: mancozeb (very good); chlorothalonil or copper fungicides (adept). Follow the directions on the characterization. Run across Tabular array 1 for examples of fungicide products for dwelling house garden use. See Table ii for tomato cultivars with resistance or tolerance to early blight.

Late Blight

Belatedly blight is a potentially serious illness of potato and love apple and is acquired by the water mold pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Late blight is especially dissentious during cool, moisture weather. This pathogen can bear on all found parts. Young leafage lesions are pocket-size and appear as night, water-soaked spots. These foliage spots volition quickly enlarge, and a white mold will appear at the margins of the affected expanse on the lower surface of leaves. Consummate defoliation (browning and shriveling of leaves and stems) can occur within 14 days from the first symptoms. Infected love apple fruits develop shiny, dark, or olive-colored lesions, which may cover large areas. Fungal spores are spread between plants and gardens past rain and air current. A combination of daytime temperatures in the upper 70s °F with high humidity is ideal for infection.

Prevention & Treatment: The post-obit guidelines should be followed to minimize tardily blight problems:

  • Keep foliage dry. Locate your garden where it will receive morning time sunday.
  • Allow extra room between the plants, and avoid overhead watering, specially late in the day.
  • Purchase certified disease-gratuitous seeds and plants.
  • Destroy volunteer love apple and spud plants, also as nightshade family unit weeds, such as Carolina horsenettle or black nightshade, which may harbor the mucus.
  • Do not compost rotten, store-bought potatoes.
  • Pull out and destroy diseased plants.
  • If the disease is severe enough to warrant chemical control, select ane of the following fungicides: chlorothalonil (very good), copper fungicide, or mancozeb (skilful). Run across Table 1 for examples of fungicide products for habitation garden employ. Follow the directions on the label.
  • Found resistant cultivars. See Table 3 for tomato cultivars with resistance to late blight.

Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici) on tomato. Joey Williamson, ©2013 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Septoria foliage spot (Septoria lycopersici) on tomato plant.
Joey Williamson, ©2013 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Septoria Leafage Spot

This destructive disease of lycopersicon esculentum leaf, petioles, and stems (fruit is not infected) is acquired past the mucus Septoria lycopersici. Infection usually occurs on the lower leaves near the ground, afterwards plants begin to set fruit. Numerous pocket-sized, circular spots with dark borders surrounding a biscuit-colored center appear on the older leaves. Tiny black specks, which are spore-producing bodies, tin can be seen in the heart of the spots. Severely spotted leaves turn yellowish, die, and autumn off the establish. The fungus is most active when temperatures range from 68 to 77° F, the humidity is high, and rainfall or overhead irrigation wets the plants. Defoliation weakens the institute, reduces the size and quality of the fruit, and exposes the fruit to sunscald (see below). The fungus is not soil-borne but tin overwinter on ingather residue from previous crops, decaying vegetation, and on some weeds related to tomato.

Prevention & Treatment: Most currently grown love apple cultivars are susceptible to Septoria leaf spot. Ingather rotation of 3 years and sanitation (removal of crop debris) will reduce the amount of inoculum. Practice non use overhead irrigation. Repeated fungicide applications with chlorothalonil (very proficient) or copper fungicide, or mancozeb (expert) will keep the illness in check. See Table 1 for examples of fungicide products for abode garden use.

Foliage Mold

The fungus Passalora fulva causes leaf mold. It is first observed on older leaves near the soil where air move is poor and humidity is loftier. The initial symptoms are pale light-green or yellowish spots on the upper leafage surface, which enlarge and turn a distinctive yellowish.

Nether humid atmospheric condition, the spots on the lower leaf surfaces get covered with a gray, velvety growth of the spores produced by the fungus. When infection is astringent, the spots coalesce, and the leaf is killed. Occasionally, the fungus attacks stems, blossoms and fruits. Green and mature fruit can take a black, leathery rot on the stem end.

Leaf mold (Passalora fulva) on tomato foliage. Joey Williamson, ©2012 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Leaf mold (Passalora fulva) on tomato foliage.
Joey Williamson, ©2012 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Leaf mold (Passalora fulva) on lower leaf surface. Joey Williamson, ©2012 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Leaf mold (Passalora fulva) on lower leaf surface.
Joey Williamson, ©2012 HGIC, Clemson Extension

The fungus survives on crop residue and in the soil. Spores are spread by pelting, wind, or tools. Seeds can be contaminated. The fungus is dependent on high relative humidity and loftier temperature for affliction development.

Prevention & Treatment: Crop residue should be removed from the field. Staking and pruning to increment air apportionment helps to command the disease. Infinite lycopersicon esculentum plants further apart for improve air circulation betwixt plants. Avoid wetting leaves when watering. Rotate with vegetables other than tomatoes. Using a preventative fungicide program with chlorothalonil, mancozeb, or copper fungicide, can control the illness. See Table one for fungicide products for habitation garden use.

Bacterial Spot

This disease is caused by several species of the bacterium Xanthomonas (but primarily by Xanthomonas perforans), which infect green but not red tomatoes. Peppers are also infected. The disease is more prevalent during moisture seasons. Damage to the plants includes leaf and fruit spots, which result in reduced yields, defoliation, and sunscalded fruit. The symptoms consist of numerous small, athwart to irregular, water-soaked spots on the leaves and slightly raised to scabby spots on the fruits. The leafage spots may have a yellow halo. The centers dry out out and often tear.

Bacterial Spot (Xanthomonas perforans) symptoms can be seen on both foliage and tomato fruit under ideal conditions. Zack Snipes, ©2020, Clemson Extension

Bacterial Spot (Xanthomonas perforans) symptoms tin can be seen on both foliage and tomato fruit under ideal weather condition.
Zack Snipes, ©2020, Clemson Extension

Bacterial Spot (Xanthomonas perforans) symptoms on tomato leaves. Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Bacterial Spot (Xanthomonas perforans) symptoms on tomato leaves.
Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

The bacteria survive the wintertime on volunteer tomato plants and on infected establish debris. Moist conditions is conducive to disease development. Almost outbreaks of the disease can be traced back to heavy rainstorms that occurred in the area. Infection of leaves occurs through natural openings. Infection of fruits must occur through insect punctures or other mechanical injuries.

Bacterial spot is difficult to control in one case it appears in the field. Any water movement from 1 leaf or plant to another, such as splashing raindrops, overhead irrigation, and touching or handling wet plants, may spread the bacteria from diseased to healthy plants.

Prevention & Treatment: Only use certified affliction-gratis seeds and plants. Avoid areas that were planted with peppers or tomatoes during the previous year. Avoid overhead watering by using drip or furrow irrigation. Remove and dispose of all diseased plant material. Clip plants to promote air circulation. Spraying with a copper fungicide will requite adequately good control of the bacterial disease. Follow the instructions on the label. See Tabular array ane for fungicide products for dwelling house garden utilise.

Tomato Pith Necrosis

Lycopersicon esculentum pith necrosis is unremarkably an early season disease that occurs in greenhouse and loftier tunnel tomato production. Nevertheless, during absurd and rainy spring weather, love apple pith necrosis may infect tomatoes and occasionally peppers in home vegetable gardens. Pith necrosis is caused past multiple species of soil-borne Pseudomonas leaner, including Pseudomonas corrugata, too equally Pectobacterium carotovorum

(a crusade of bacterial soft rot). These bacteria are considered weak pathogens that infect rapidly growing love apple plants during cloudy, absurd, and moist ecology conditions.

Symptoms: The early symptoms of this disease are blackened (necrotic) areas on the stems, which may first appear side by side to leaf petioles. The blackened areas coagulate and extend as a band forth the stem, as well as out onto the leaf petioles. Portions of leaf blades as well may become blackened following infection of the foliage petiole.

As the disease progresses, the bacteria colonize the interior of the stems, which may cause the stem to split. Stems may shrink, cleft, and the pith (the stem interior) may become segmented or laddered. Eventually, the stems become hollow within. This stem impairment cuts the water supply off to the upper portions of the tomato plant so that upper leaves may yellow and the shoots wilt.

With tomato pith necrosis, brown (necrotic) areas on stems often begin where leaves attach and spread down the adjacent leaf petiole. Joey Williamson, ©2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

With tomato pith necrosis, brown (necrotic) areas on stems oft begin where leaves attach and spread down the adjacent leafage petiole.
Joey Williamson, ©2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

The necrotic stem lesions develop into bands that extend several inches up and down the stem from the point of infection. After extending onto leaf petioles, necrotic areas appear on the leaf blades. Eventually, entire leaves will wither. Joey Williamson, © 2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

The necrotic stem lesions develop into bands that extend several inches up and down the stalk from the betoken of infection. Later on extending onto leafage petioles, necrotic areas appear on the leafage blades. Eventually, entire leaves will wither.
Joey Williamson, © 2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

As the bacterial infection progresses, more of the main stem turns brown and dies. This cuts the water supply off to the plant parts above, which wilt. Joey Williamson, © 2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

As the bacterial infection progresses, more of the primary stem turns brown and dies.
This cuts the water supply off to the plant parts to a higher place, which wilt.
Joey Williamson, © 2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

There may be the appearance of adventitious roots that erupt from the main stems of tomato plants infected with tomato pith necrosis. Joey Williamson, © 2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

There may exist the appearance of adventitious roots that erupt from the principal stems of tomato plants infected with tomato pith necrosis.
Joey Williamson, © 2018 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Another symptom is the production of large numbers of adventitious roots that burst forth from larger stems. Withal, this blazon of root formation on stems also occurs with tomato plant bacterial canker and from damage past spray drift exposure by dicamba, which is a very mutual broadleaf weed killer for use on lawns.

Symptoms on greenish developing fruit may or may not be present, which is a greasy, water-soaked surface area on the blossom end of the fruit. This fruit symptom is very like to that of 2 other diseases chosen belatedly blight and buckeye rot of tomato.

Identify which illness is affecting the tomato plant crop by submitting a found sample through the local Extension office. The establish material will be sent for a fee to the Clemson Institute & Pest Diagnostic Clinic for diagnosis and control recommendations.

Control: As the atmospheric condition becomes warmer, plants may recover as the rapid spring growth slows. Do not utilise over-head irrigation to h2o the garden, but water at the base of the plants by drip irrigation, soaker hoses, or past hand with a garden hose. The frequency of irrigation should be increased to provide adequate soil moisture for recovery. Withal, if plants succumb to pith necrosis, advisedly remove and dispose of diseased plants, including roots.

This disease severity is enhanced by excessive nitrogen fertilization during early season growth. Follow fertilization recommendations by soil test results. For more information, see HGIC 1652, Soil Testing , and HGIC 1323, Tomato .

Because these soil-inhabiting bacteria tin can be in the soil until the side by side season, practice a 3-year crop rotation within the vegetable garden. In the future, infinite out lycopersicon esculentum plants in the garden to 3 feet apart. This will amend air circulation around plants and raise the drying of foliage from dew or rainfall. Plant according to the recommended spring planting dates in HGIC 1256, Planning a Garden. Avoid planting in early leap when conditions are absurd and moist. There are no spray treatments to reduce disease.

Buckeye Rot

Buckeye rot is a disease of the fruit acquired by the mucus Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica. The starting time fruit symptoms appear as brownish spots, often at the point of contact betwixt the fruit and the soil. As the spots enlarge, dark, concentric rings tin can be seen. Lesions of buckeye rot resemble those of late blight, except that the former remain firm and smooth, whereas late bane lesions become crude and are slightly sunken at the margins. Under moist conditions, a white, cottony fungal growth appears on the buckeye rot lesions. With time, the entire fruit volition rot. The mucus does not affect the foliage. The illness is most common during periods of prolonged warm, moisture weather and in poorly drained soils. The fungus survives in the soil and is spread past surface water and pelting. Peppers are also susceptible to this disease.

Prevention & Treatment: Avoid compacted, poorly tuckered soils (abound plants in raised beds). Rotation, sanitation, staking, and mulching will aid reduce the disease. Fungicide sprays with chlorothalonil, mancozeb, or copper fungicides will give fairly good control of buckeye rot. See Tabular array one for examples of fungicide products for home garden use.


Anthracnose (Colletotrichum species) on tomato fruit. Joey Williamson, ©2013 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum species) on tomato plant fruit.
Joey Williamson, ©2013 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Anthracnose on tomatoes is caused by a group of fungi inside the genus Colletotrichum, and these species are primarily pathogens of the love apple fruit. As the fruit are ripening, the symptoms start become noticeable as modest, circular indented areas, which later develop darkened centers. The diseased spots go on to abound larger with fourth dimension as each infection site also spreads deeper into the fruit. With warm, moist, and humid weather (from rainfall or overhead irrigation), the mucus produces salmon-colored spores that are exuded from the blackness fungal fabric in the heart of the spots. These spores are spread by splashing water.

Prevention & Treatment: Purchase disease-complimentary seed, as the fungus that causes anthracnose of tomato may be within the seed. Love apple seed may be treated by soaking them in hot water (122 ºF) for 25 minutes to destroy the fungus. Some varieties of tomatoes have resistance to anthracnose, such as Chef's Pick Orange Hybrid.

Exercise not overhead irrigate tomatoes, as splashing water aids in the spread of fungal spores. Constitute the garden in a sunny site and stake or cage love apple plants to provide ameliorate air motility and leaf drying conditions. Keep the garden weed-free, as the presence of weeds may raise humidity levels around plants and slow drying atmospheric condition.

Because this illness affects other plants in the tomato family (Solanaceae), such equally eggplants and peppers, the site for the tomatoes should non exist planted again with solanaceous plants for at to the lowest degree a year. Some weeds that infest the garden are also in the same family, which is another reason to keep the garden gratuitous of weeds. Fungal spores can remain in the soil to infect plants the following year. Mulching the garden helps create a barrier betwixt the soil surface and the fruit to reduce infections.

Some insects feed on ripe fruit, such as leaf-footed institute bugs and stink bugs. Their feeding punctures the skin of the fruit and allows the mucus to infect.

Harvest tomato fruit daily every bit soon equally they are ripe. Remove and destroy crop droppings as before long as the crop has finished bearing. Do non add together debris to compost.

Fungicide sprays can help reduce illness. Products containing mancozeb or chlorothalonil can be sprayed weekly to reduce infection. Follow label directions. There is a 5-day waiting menstruation between spraying and picking if using mancozeb, and a one-twenty-four hours waiting catamenia for using chlorothalonil. Run into Table ane for examples of products containing this active ingredient.

Fusarium Wilt

This is a warm-weather disease caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. The first indication of disease in small plants is a drooping and wilting of lower leaves with a loss of light-green colour followed by wilting and expiry of the plant. Frequently leaves on merely one side of the stalk plow golden yellow at first. The stem of wilted plants shows no soft decay, just when cutting lengthwise, the lower stem will accept a dark chocolate-brown discoloration of the water-conducting vessels. The fungus is soil-borne and passes upward from the roots into the water-conducting organization of the stalk. Blocking of the water-conducting vessels is the main reason for wilting. Invasion occurs through wounds in roots growing through infested soil. Long-distance spread is through seed and transplants.

Prevention & Handling: For control, grow plants in pathogen-costless soil, use affliction-gratuitous transplants, and grow just cultivars with at to the lowest degree resistance to races 1 and 2 of Fusarium wilt (indicated by FF post-obit the tomato cultivar name). Some newer cultivars are resistant to races 1, 2, and three, and are establish listed in Tabular array iv. Raising the soil pH to 6.five – 7.0 and using nitrate nitrogen (such as in calcium nitrate) rather than ammoniacal nitrogen (every bit in 5-10-10, x-ten-10, or 34-0-0) volition retard illness development. No chemical control is available.

Sclerotia and mycelium of Athelia rolfsii (synonym Sclerotium rolfsii) Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Sclerotia and mycelium of Athelia rolfsii (synonym Sclerotium rolfsii)
Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Southern Blight

The fungus Athelia rolfsii (previously called Sclerotium rolfsii) causes this disease. The starting time symptom is the drooping of leaves suggestive of other wilts. On the stems, a dark-brown, dry rot develops near the soil line. White fungal growth with brown mustard seed-sized sclerotia may be visible. The stalk lesion develops rapidly, girdling the stem and resulting in sudden and permanent wilt of all aboveground parts. Frequently, a white fungal mat covers the lesions. The fungus can besides set on fruits where they bear on the soil.

The fungus can survive for years in soil and plant debris. It is favored by moist conditions and loftier temperatures.

Prevention & Handling: Ingather rotation with not-susceptible grass crops and removal of plant debris immediately later harvest will help to control the disease. Exercise not found tomatoes afterward beans, pepper, or eggplant. Calcium nitrate may be practical at transplanting.

Bulb Disease (Damping-off)

The fungi Pythium and Rhizoctonia cause damping-off of tomato seedlings. Seedlings neglect to sally from the soil in the greenhouse, or pocket-sized seedlings wilt and die soon after emergence or transplanting. Surviving plants have water-soaked areas on the stem close to the soil line.

Prevention & Treatment: Damping-off is oft a problem in plants that are planted as well early on in the spring. The fungi are more active in cool, wet, rich soils. To forestall damping-off, take these precautions:

  • Offset seeds indoors in sterilized potting mix and apply new or clean containers.
  • Do not start seeds in soil that has a loftier nitrogen level. Add together nitrogen fertilizer after the seedlings accept produced their first true leaves.
  • Allow the surface of the soil to dry between waterings.

Lycopersicon esculentum Spotted Wilt

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is spread by tiny insects called thrips, which acquire the virus by feeding on one of many infected weeds or ornamental hosts, and then spread it to the developing tomato plant plants. Several weeks afterward transplanting the tomato plants into the garden, random plants may appear stunted, and younger leaves may be marked with bronze or night spots or have prominent regal veins. Ofttimes the upper leaf will go twisted and cupped as the bronze areas aggrandize. Fruits may have yellow spots. Younger plants may wilt and dice, but older plants may survive and bear discolored fruit that may not fully ripen.

Prevention & Treatment: Eliminating weeds in the garden is the first footstep in reducing the run a risk of acquiring TSWV. Keeping the grass and weeds mowed in areas surrounding the garden may reduce the spread of thrips onto susceptible garden plants. Weeds in the garden area during the wintertime may harbor both the thrips and the virus. For best prevention, remove the old crop debris, till, and then mulch the garden for the wintertime to keep weeds and thrips down for the next twelvemonth.

TSWV symptoms on tomato foliage. Meg Williamson, ©2012 Plant Problem Clinic, Clemson University

TSWV symptoms on tomato foliage.
Meg Williamson, ©2012 Establish Problem Clinic, Clemson University

TTSWV symptoms on tomato fruit. Meg Williamson, ©2012 Plant Problem Clinic, Clemson University.

TTSWV symptoms on tomato plant fruit.
Meg Williamson, ©2012 Institute Problem Clinic, Clemson University.

TSWV infected vines will bear discolored fruit that may not fully ripen. T.J. Savereno, ©2018 Clemson Extension

TSWV infected vines will carry discolored fruit that may not fully ripen.
T.J. Savereno, ©2018 Clemson Extension

Reflective (aluminum or argent-colored) mulch beneath the tomato plant plants may reduce the number of thrips that make it and feed upon the plants. If reflective mulch is not available, paint black plastic mulch silver earlier transplanting the tomatoes.

There is no cure for a plant with TSWV. Roguing or removing infected plants immediately from the garden may help reduce the incidence of disease on additional plants. However, feeding by thrips can transmit the virus to plants within minutes. Because of this rapid infection time, insecticidal sprays may be of no use for the home gardener.

Seeds of several TSWV-resistant cultivars of tomatoes are available from postal service-order seed companies. These cultivars are resistant but non totally immune. They may larn the virus, but yields and fruit quality may remain adequate. Look for cultivars with resistance if this has been a problem in the by. Run into Tabular array 5 below for recommended TSWV-resistant cultivars.

Love apple Yellow Leaf Curl

Tomato plant with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Tomato plant plant with Lycopersicon esculentum xanthous foliage ringlet virus.
Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Lycopersicon esculentum yellow foliage curlicue virus (TYLCV) is non seed-borne but is transmitted by whiteflies. This illness is extremely damaging to fruit yield in both tomato and pepper crops. Whiteflies may bring the disease into the garden from infected weeds nearby, such equally various nightshades and jimsonweed. Later infection, tomato plants may be symptomless for as long as ii to three weeks.

Symptoms in tomato plants are the upward curling of leaves, yellow (chlorotic) leafage margins, smaller leaves than normal, plant stunting, and bloom drop. If tomato plants are infected early on in their growth, there may exist no fruit formed. Infected plants may appear randomly throughout the garden. Pepper plants may as well become infected, but will evidence no symptoms.

Prevention & Treatment: Removal of plants with initial symptoms may slow the spread of the disease. Rogued (pulled out) infected plants should exist immediately bagged to forestall the spread of the whiteflies feeding on those plants. Keep weeds controlled within and around the garden site, as these may be alternate hosts for whiteflies. Reflective mulches (aluminum or silverish-colored) can be used in the rows to reduce whitefly feeding.

Depression concentration sprays of a horticultural oil or canola oil volition human activity as a whitefly repellent, reduce feeding and peradventure transmission of the virus. Use a 0.25 to 0.v% oil spray (ii to iv teaspoons horticultural or canola oil & a few drops of dish lather per gallon of h2o) weekly. Examples of products containing horticultural oil are:

Bonide All Seasons Spray Oil Concentrate

  • Ferti-lome Horticultural Oil Spray Concentrate
  • Monterey Horticultural Oil Concentrate
  • Southern Ag Parafine Horticultural Oil
  • Pinnacle Year Round Horticultural Oil Concentrate

At the terminate of the flavour, remove all susceptible plants and burn or dispose of them. Encounter Table 6 for tomato cultivars with resistance to Tomato plant xanthous leaf curl virus.

Other Viruses

Different viruses crusade dissimilar symptoms on tomatoes. Symptoms of virus infection may appear as calorie-free and nighttime light-green mottling of the leaves. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) causes a mottling of older leaves and may cause the malformation of leaflets, which may become shoestring-like in shape.

Viruses are highly infectious and readily transmitted by any means that introduces even a minute amount of sap from infected into healthy plants.

Prevention & Treatment: In that location are no chemic controls for viruses. Remove and destroy infected plants promptly. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards smoking (the Tobacco mosaic virus may be nowadays in sure types of tobacco) and before working in the garden. Eliminate weeds in and near the garden. Control insects (thrips and whiteflies) that carry viruses (meet HGIC 2218, Tomato Insect Pests).

Rotate tomatoes with crucifers (such as cabbage, broccoli, and turnips). Use reflective mulches. Employ virus-resistant tomato plant cultivars. Many cultivars have Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistance (the letter T follows the cultivar name), such equally Bush-league Celebrity, Bush Early Daughter, Jetsetter, Large Beef, Celebrity, Sweet Cluster, Sweet Meg (cherry), and Super Marzano (paste).

Galled tomato roots caused by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species). Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Galled tomato roots acquired past root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species).
Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Root-knot Nematodes

Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species) are microscopic worms that live in the soil and in plant roots. Affected plants are usually stunted, discolored, and may dice. Knots or galls develop on the roots.

Prevention & Handling: When nematodes are not notwithstanding nowadays, move the lycopersicon esculentum crop to a different area inside the garden every twelvemonth, purchase affliction-gratis plants, pull up and dispose of roots immediately later harvest, and use resistant cultivars (indicated by N following tomato plant cultivar proper name). Run into Table 7 for cultivars resistant to root-knot nematodes.

When root-knot nematodes are nowadays, relocate the garden to a nematode-free area. Use nematode resistant lycopersicon esculentum cultivars. Found a rotation organization using marigold cultivars Tangerine, Petite Gold, or Petite Harmony, which reduce root-knot nematode populations in soils. For more information, come across HGIC 2216, Root-Knot Nematodes in the Vegetable Garden.


Blossom end rot symptoms on tomato fruit. Joey Williamson, ©2009 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Blossom end rot symptoms on tomato plant fruit.
Joey Williamson, ©2009 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Flower Stop Rot: Blossom end rot is a physiological disorder of tomato plant. Symptoms are water-soaked spots on the blossom end of the fruit. These spots enlarge and go black. Secondary infection past decay-causing organisms usually follows.

The cause of this disorder is a calcium deficiency in the developing fruit. Extreme fluctuations in wet, rainy or cloudy weather with high humidity, cool temperatures, insufficient soil calcium, root pruning from nearby cultivation, and excessive ammoniacal (NH4 +) nitrogen, potassium, or magnesium fertilization can too increase the chances of blossom end rot, especially early in the season.

Prevention & Treatment: Tardily spring planting of tomatoes should be at the recommended engagement for your expanse. The soil should be limed co-ordinate to recommendations of a soil assay report to bring the soil pH to vi.five and to provide adequate calcium levels in the soil. Limestone is best practical iii to vi months in advance and tilled into the garden soil. Follow the soil report for recommendations for pre-constitute nutrient (fertilizer) applications. If calcium levels are non sufficient, but the soil pH is correct, then gypsum (calcium sulfate) is best tilled into the soil before planting at 1 to 2 pounds per 100 square feet.

Avoid excessive potassium or magnesium fertilization every bit these nutrients will compete with calcium for uptake by the plants. Epsom common salt is an example of a magnesium source, so exercise non apply to garden soil unless a recent soil report indicates a magnesium deficiency.

Avert ammoniacal nitrogen fertilizers for sidedress applications (beside or around the plants), as ammoniacal nitrogen besides will compete with calcium for uptake. Examples of fertilizers with ammoniacal nitrogen are ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and almost complete fertilizers, such every bit 10-10-ten. A calcium nitrate (xv.v-0-0) side dress fertilizer is normally the all-time selection and is applied monthly at 2 pounds per 100 anxiety of row.

Maintain a uniform supply of moisture through irrigation and adequate soil mulches. Mulches will non only continue the soil cooler and more evenly moist just volition suppress weeds, thus reducing the need for nearby cultivation that may damage lycopersicon esculentum roots. Remove fruit with blossom end rot symptoms from the plants.

Nonetheless, if blossom finish rot occurs because the soil was not tested and neither lime nor gypsum was practical pre-plant, and then the application of gypsum at i to 2 pounds per 100 square feet as a sidedress supplement has proven benign. Run across Table 8 for tomato plant cultivars with resistance to bloom end rot.

Sunscald: Sunscald occurs when tomatoes are exposed to the direct rays of the lord's day during hot weather condition. It is virtually common on green fruit. Decay causing fungi frequently invade the damaged tissue.

Prevention: Cover exposed fruits. Command leaf diseases, equally foliage shades the fruit.

Growth Cracks: Tomatoes cleft when environmental conditions (drought followed past heavy rain or watering) encourage rapid growth during ripening. Some cracks may be deep, allowing decay organisms to enter the fruit and crusade fruit rot.

Prevention: Maintain even soil moisture with regular watering and adequate mulch. Some tomato plant cultivars are scissure-tolerant; see Table 9 for suggested cultivars.

Poor Fruit Set: Poor fruit set occurs for several reasons:

  • Extreme temperatures: The blossoms drop off without setting fruit when temperatures are beneath 55 °F or higher up xc °F for extended periods. Attempt Arkansas Traveler, Talladega Hybrid, Homestead 24, Bella Rosa Hybrid, Top Gun Hybrid, Solar Fire Hybrid, Florida 91 Hybrid, Sioux, or Costoluto Genovese for heat-tolerance.
  • Dry soil: Blossoms dry and fall when the plants practise not receive plenty water.
  • Shading: Few blossoms are produced when the plants receive less than six hours of sun a day.
  • Excessive nitrogen: High nitrogen levels in the soil promote leaf growth at the expense of flower and fruit formation. Correct the nitrogen imbalance with superphosphate or 0-20-20 fertilizer.

Catfacing: This is a disorder caused by common cold temperatures during fruit fix. The fruit is extremely malformed and scarred, usually at the flower terminate. Fruits that develop after in the flavor volition not be affected. The cultivar Homestead 24 is resistant to catfacing.

Tomato plant with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Tomato plant with Tomato yellow leafage curlicue virus.
Zachary Boone Snipes, ©2015 Clemson Extension

Leaf Curl: Leaf roll of tomatoes may be caused past loftier temperatures, prolonged periods of wet soil conditions, and drought. It may as well occur when tomatoes are pruned severely or when nearby tilling damages roots. The symptom is more often than not on older leaves, with an upwardly curling of the leaflets, just may progress to touch up to 75 percent of the foliage. The rolled leaves may feel leathery and stiff. Ofttimes the condition of leafage roll occurs once the plants are under the stress of a heavy fruit set. Some cultivars are more prone to leaf roll than others.

Prevention & Handling: The symptom of leafage scroll does not significantly harm the ingather. To help prevent this disorder, tomatoes should be planted on well-drained soil and exist irrigated during periods of drought. For more information on physiological leaf scroll, please run across HGIC 2222, Love apple Leaves Rolling?

Herbicide Injury: Drift from nearby sprays of broadleaf weed killers used on turfgrass, such as two,4-D and dicamba, and non-specific herbicides, such as glyphosate, may severely harm lycopersicon esculentum plants.

Initial symptoms of glyphosate injury on tomatoes are characteristically seen as white/yellow discoloration at the base of the leaflets.

Distortion of tomato stems and foliage due to exposure to spray drift of 2,4-D herbicide. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Distortion of tomato stems and foliage due to exposure to spray migrate of two,4-D herbicide.
Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension

Initial symptoms of glyphosate injury on tomatoes are characteristically seen as white/yellow discoloration at the base of the leaflets. Joey Williamson, HGIC, Clemson Extension

Initial symptoms of glyphosate injury on tomatoes are characteristically seen as white/yellowish discoloration at the base of the leaflets.
Joey Williamson, HGIC, Clemson Extension

Caution: Pollinating insects, such as dearest bees and bumblebees, can be adversely affected by the utilise of pesticides. Avoid the utilise of spray pesticides (both insecticides and fungicides), every bit well as soil-applied, systemic insecticides unless absolutely necessary. If spraying is required, ever spray late in the evening to reduce the direct impact on pollinating insects. Always effort less toxic culling sprays commencement for the control of insect pests and diseases. For example, sprays with insecticidal soap, horticultural oil, neem oil extract, spinosad, Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), or botanical oils can help control many pocket-sized insect pests and mites that affect garden and landscape plants. Neem oil extract or botanical oil sprays may also reduce plant damage by repelling many insect pests. Exercise cultural techniques to prevent or reduce the incidence of plant diseases, including pre-plant soil improvement, proper establish spacing, crop rotation, applying mulch, applying lime and fertilizer based on soil exam results, and avoiding overhead irrigation and frequent watering of established plants. Additionally, there are less toxic spray fungicides that contain sulfur or copper soap, and biological command sprays for plant diseases that contain Bacillus subtilis. However, it is very important always to read and follow the label directions on each product. For more information, contact the Clemson Extension Home & Garden Information Eye.

Table i. Fungicide Products for Home Garden Disease Control on Tomatoes.

Fungicide Active Ingredient Examples of Products Containing the Agile Ingredient
Chlorothalonil Bonide Fungonil Concentrate; & RTU1
Ferti-lome Wide Spectrum Landscape & Garden Fungicide Conc. ; & RTU1
GardenTech Daconil Fungicide Concentrate
How-do-you-do-Yield Vegetable, Flower, Fruit & Ornamental Fungicide Conc.
Ortho MAX Garden Disease Control Concentrate
Southern Ag Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide Conc.
Tiger Brand Daconil Concentrate
Mancozeb Bonide Mancozeb Flowable with Zinc Concentrate
Southern Ag Dithane G-45
Copper Fungicide2 Bonide Copper Fungicide Spray or Dust (wettable powder; three.98%)
Bonide Liquid Copper Concentrate (a copper soap; ane.8%)
Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide RTU1
Camelot Fungicide/ Bactericide Concentrate (a copper soap) (one.8%)
Business concern Copper Lather Fungicide for Flowers, Fruit & Vegetables RTU1
Espoma Organic Copper Soap RTU1
Monterey Liqui-Cop Copper Fungicidal Garden Spray Concentrate (eight%)
Monterey Liquid Copper Fungicide RTUane (soap)
Natural Baby-sit Copper Soap Liquid Fungicide Concentrate (1.viii%); & RTU1
Southern Ag Liquid Copper Fungicide (viii%)
i RTU products are pre-mixed fungicides in a spray bottle.
2 For copper fungicide concentrates, the greater the metallic copper content, the meliorate the control of bacterial & fungal diseases.

Table two. Tomato Cultivars with Resistance to Early Bane.

Tomato Cultivar Other Disease Resistance* Establish Growth Addiction** Days to Ripeness
Mountain Supreme Hybrid VF D 69-70
Mountain Fresh Hybrid VFF D 77
Mountain Magic Hybrid VFF ISI 72
Plum Purple Hybrid VFF D 72
Plum Dandy Hybrid VF ISI 82
Cabernet Hybrid VFF I sixty
Manalucie FSt I 82
Merlot Hybrid VFF I 59
Tommy Toe (ruddy) none I 70
Mountain Merit Hybrid (moderate EB resist.) VFFFN TSWV LB D 75
Jasper Hybrid (ruby) FF LB Due south D 60
Fe Lady Hybrid LB Southward D 77
Matt'south Wild Cherry (moderate EB resistance) LB (moderate) I 60
Juliet Hybrid (mini-roma) (moderate EB resist) none I 60
Defiant PhR Hybrid (moderate EB resistance) VFF LB D lxx
Legend (moderate EB resistance) LB D 68
Old Brooks (moderate EB resistance) LB I 78

Tabular array 3. Love apple Cultivars with Resistance to Late Bane.

Lycopersicon esculentum Cultivar Other Disease Resistance* Plant Growth Addiction** Days to Ripeness
Legend EB (moderate) D 68
Mountain Magic Hybrid VFF EB ISI 72
Plum Royal Hybrid VFF EB D 72
Mount Merit Hybrid VFFFN TSWV EB (Moderate) D 75
Jasper Hybrid (cherry) FF EB South B threescore
Iron Lady Hybrid EB (moderate) S D 77
Defiant PhR Hybrid VFF LB
EB (moderate)
D 70
Matt's Wild Ruby-red EB (moderate) I 60

Table 4. Tomato Cultivars with Resistance to All 3 Races of Fusarium Wilt.

Tomato Cultivar Disease Resistance* Constitute Growth Habit** Days to Ripeness
BHN 640 Hybrid VFFF TSWV D 75
Charger Hybrid VFFFASt D 76
Crista Hybrid VFFF TSWV D 73
Floralina Hybrid VFFFA D 72
Tasti-Lee Hybrid VFFF D 75
Solar Burn Hybrid VFFF D 72
Top Gun Hybrid VFFFSt TSWV D 75
Mountain Merit Hybrid VFFFN TSWV EB (moderate) D 75

Table v. Tomato plant Cultivars with Resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV).

Tomato Cultivar Disease Resistance* Plant Growth Addiction** Days to Ripeness
Bella Rosa Hybrid VFFASt TSWV D 75
BHN 444 Hybrid VFF TSWV D 75
BHN 640 Hybrid VFFF TSWV D 75
Capaya Hybrid VFASt TSWV D 70
Crista Hybrid VFFF TSWV D 73
Fletcher Hybrid VN TSWV D 74
Health Kicking Hybrid VFFA TSWV D 74
Plum Regal Hybrid VFF TSWV D 72
Sophya Hybrid VFFSt TSWV I 75
Talladaga Hybrid VFF TSWV D 60-67
Peak Gun Hybrid VFFFSt TSWV D 75
Mountain Merit hybrid VFFFN TSWV EB (partial) D 75

Table vi. Tomato plant Cultivars with Resistance to Love apple Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV).

Lycopersicon esculentum Cultivar Other Disease Resistance* Plant Growth Habit** Days to Ripeness
Champion II Hybrid VFFNTA I 62-65
Charger Hybrid VFFFASt D 76
Margo Hybrid VFFT D 70

Table seven. Tomato Cultivars with Resistance to Root-Knot Nematodes.

Tomato Cultivar Affliction Resistance* Plant Growth Habit** Days to Ripeness
Beefmaster Hybrid VFNASt I 80
Bella Rosa Hybrid VFFNA D 75
Amend Male child Hybrid VFNASt I 75
Better Bush-league Hybrid VFN ISI 68
Large Beef Hybrid VFFNTASt I 73
Burpee's Supersteak Hybrid VFN I 80
Bush Early Daughter II Hybrid VFFNT ISI 54
Bush-league Goliath Hybrid VFN ISI 68
Celebrity Hybrid VFFNTASt ISI 70
Champion Two Hybrid VFNTA I 65-70
Empire Hybrid VFFNASt D 72
Starting time Prize Hybrid VFFNT I 75
Fletcher Hybrid VN TSWV D 74
Goliath Hybrid VFFNT I 70
Grandma'south Pick Hybrid VFN I 78-80
Jetsetter Hybrid VFFNASt I 64
Laroma Three Hybrid VFFNA D 76
MiRoma Hybrid VFFN D 70
Park's Whopper CR Improved Hybrid VFFNT I 65
Royesta Hybrid FFNT I 70
Super Fantastic Hybrid VFN I 70
Super Marzano Hybrid VFNTA I 90
Tiffany Hybrid VFNT I 70
Tomande Hybrid VFFNT I 68
Tough Boy Hybrid VFN I 75
Viva Italia Hybrid VFFNASt D 72
Mount Merit Hybrid VFFFN TSWV EB (moderate) D 75

Table 8. Tomato Cultivars with Resistance to Blossom Cease Rot of Fruit.

Tomato Cultivar Disease Resistance* Establish Growth Addiction** Days to Ripeness
Manalucie FSt EB I 82
Mount Spring Hybrid VFF D 72
Mountain Fresh Hybrid VFF EB D 77
New Yorker VA D 66
Ravello Hybrid VFT I lx-65
Wins All none I 80

Tabular array 9. Tomato Cultivars with Resistance to Cracking.

Tomato Cultivar Disease Resistance* Plant Growth Habit** Days to Ripeness
Abraham Lincoln Original none I 87
Aunt Ginny's Purple none I 75-85
Box Car Willie none I lxxx
Campbell'due south 33 Hybrid VFA D 69
Celebrity Hybrid VFFNTASt ISI 70
Charger Hybrid VFFFASt D 76
Delicious none I 77
Fantastic Hybrid VF I 65
Gardener'south Delight none I 65
German Caput none I 80-ninety
Heinz 1439 Hybrid VFA D seventy
Juliet Hybrid LB I lx
Mountain Spring Hybrid VFF D 72
New Yorker VA D 66
Pilgrim Hybrid VFFASt D 68
Pink Girl Hybrid VFT I 76
Plum Regal Hybrid VFF TSWV D eighty
Porter'south Pride none I lxx
Rutgers VFA D 75
Super Sioux none ISI 70
Supersonic Hybrid VF I 75-79
Thessaloniki none I 75-80
Tough Boy Hybrid VFN I 75
Chef'due south Pick Orange Hybrid T Anthracnose I 75

Tabular array x. Tomato Cultivars with Resistance to Bacterial Speck.

Love apple Cultivar Other Disease Resistance* Plant Growth Habit** Days to Ripeness
Super Marzano Hybrid VFNT I lxx-90
Health Kick Hybrid VFFA TSWV D 74
Viva Italia Hybrid VFFNA D 75
Charger Hybrid VFFFASt D 76
Mount Pride Hybrid VFFASt D 77
Marcellino Hybrid none I 75-80
Ravello Hybrid VFT I 60-65
Tomatoberry Garden Hybrid none I 60-seventy
*Disease Resistance Codes:

5 Verticillium wilt resistance
F Fusarium wilt race 1 resistance
FF Fusarium wilt races 1 & 2 resistance
FFF Fusarium wilt races 1, 2 & three resistance
A Alternaria resistance
St Stemphylium or grey leaf spot resistance
Due north Root-knot nematode (RKN) resistance
T Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistance
EB Early Blight resistance
LB Late Blight resistance
S Septoria Leaf Spot resistance

**Plant Growth Habit Codes:
D Determinate plant growth habit (full-bodied fruit set)
I Indeterminate plant growth addiction (fruit set throughout the summertime)
ISI Indeterminate curt internode (a compact growth habit with longer fruit gear up)